Feb 17, 2012

Down to Birth

The cat is well and truly out of the bag.

I have had a logo designed.
I wanted something that:
  • looks a bit feminine, pregnant belly
  • looks a bit tribal, pagan, organic
  • is something like the goddess spirals that I've doodled all my life
  • looks like the background image on this blog, which is like a Gustav Klimt drawing that I love, and it like the design I have tattooed on my left wrist.
  • is spiral-y and curved, simple but complex, segemented but all in one - much like the journey to parenthood can be

Yellow is my favourite colour, and I love the aqua/teal/turquoise as well, so the colours are perfect.

I have picked a business name - Down to Birth.

I even went and bought a domain name. 

And it looks awesome in the black and white as well because the lines are filled in, rather than it being a graduation of colours.

So you can see my website at Down to Birth
What do you think, dear reader? Do you like it?


  1. Love it! It looks awesome & the name's great too.

  2. I love the shape - but I prefer the one in the background of the blog. I think I prefer the clean curvy lines :)

    Thanks for the comments, and I look forward to reading about your midwifery journey!

  3. I've got that one tattooed on my inner wrist - I should post a pic here of it.


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